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The use of dynamically generated QR codes in a menu or drinks menu can significantly enhance the customer experience.

The use of dynamically generated QR codes in a menu or drinks menu can significantly enhance the customer experience, especially by reducing the effort for the hospitality business. Dynamic QR codes enable restaurants to update their menus more easily and frequently, as they don't need to generate a new QR code every time their menu changes. When a restaurant, hotel, or bar changes its menu, they can simply update the QR code instead of printing new physical menus.


The advantage of a dynamic QR code is that it can be created once and used permanently.

The advantage of a dynamic QR code is that it can be created once and used permanently on advertising materials, saving not only time but also money. The dynamic QR codes themselves do not change, but the target URL can be updated anytime a new menu is uploaded and a new URL needs to be added. This not only saves money but also reduces waste and helps to keep the ecological footprint of the hospitality business small. Customers can use QR codes to access detailed information about the dishes they are interested in, such as ingredients, preparation methods, and nutritional information. By scanning the code with their mobile device, customers can quickly and easily access this information without relying on the help of staff, saving time and effort for both the customer and the restaurant.

By analyzing which dishes are scanned most frequently, restaurants can gain insights into which items are most popular.

Another advantage of using dynamically generated QR codes in a hospitality menu is the ability to track customer engagement and preferences. By analyzing which dishes are scanned most frequently, restaurants can gain insights into which items are most popular and adjust their menu accordingly. They can also use this data to create targeted marketing campaigns or promotions for specific dishes based on customer preferences. Additionally, a shopping cart / POS solution can be linked as the target URL, enabling online ordering for customers.


Restaurants can minimize the risk of disease or infection transmission.

Finally, the use of dynamically generated QR codes in a hospitality business can help improve the overall hygiene and safety of the dining experience. By reducing physical menus and minimizing contact between customers and staff, restaurants can minimize the risk of disease or infection transmission. This is particularly important in situations where health and safety concerns are paramount. QR codes provide a contactless solution that allows customers to quickly and easily access the necessary information without compromising safety.